Hops Brew Hope, Inc. earns Gold Seal of Transparency on GuideStar

GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency

GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency

Hops Brew Hope, Inc. is committed to nonprofit best practices and GuideStar, by Candid is the “gold standard” for up-to-date nonprofit information. From the GuideStar, by Candid website:

Now more than ever, open access to timely, nonpartisan data and intelligence is critical to the ability to solve increasingly complex social issues. Our field needs a data-driven institution with the scale to support and advance the work of social sector stakeholders as we traverse a period of closing political space, technological upheaval, and global opportunity.

Through data, research, and our collective experience, Candid provides our users with the knowledge they need to make strategic decisions and develop practical solutions to achieve their missions.

Our GuideStar searchable database currently includes data on 1.9 million 501c3 entities, making it easier to understand who they are and what they do. We support ongoing learning and research by gathering, indexing, and sharing the sector’s collective knowledge on IssueLab while also producing our own research that shares insights on issues affecting the social sector. We provide data and knowledge to the philanthropic field by creating new issue-based web portals known as “Foundation Landscapes” on the topics that matter most to the sector. Through Glasspockets we provide the data, resources, examples, and action steps foundations need to understand the value of transparency, be more open in their own communications, and help shed more light on how private organizations are serving the public good. Candid works closely with organizations around the globe to assist them in collecting and organizing their region’s philanthropy data by sharing what we have learned over the past 60 years about data acquisition and data architecture.

Candid’s CF Insights program is the leader in data collection and research for the community foundation field in the U.S. with a reputation for benchmarking and analysis of trends. Through CF Insights, we continue to deliver a high level of service to our members and worked with partners to release groundbreaking research on the need for increased collaboration amongst leaders of community foundations.

We also have a number of blogs across our platforms (including the GuideStar blog, GrantSpace blog, GrantCraft blog, GlassPockets blog, Philanthropy News Digest Blog, and more!) that shine a light on relevant topics and trends affecting the sector.

We look forward to continuing our efforts in making our community a better place for all!


It’s Getting Real!


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